It has been two years since I was travelling-living in India. But India is sometimes like the sea (as Emilio Pacheco says): it begins where you first met it, and it comes to you everywhere.

I found this postcard I bought at Panjim (also called Panaji)... such a beatiful city. One of my favorites within the whole world. I found it at a gloomy stationery located on a beautiful street by the sea. Before I came in I felt the breeze, the sun, the weather was perfect. And the postcards I found were it too. I hope you like this one.
4 comentarios:
me gustan mucho las fotos del blog, aunque los textos en inglés...
bueno, como sea, sigue compartiendo tus aventuras por el mundo.
Daaaamn miss!!! I read what you wrote in that post card though! My linguistic teacher is sooo passionate! Cool stuff, it seems that you had such a great time in India. I have a couple of bengali friends, from Vegas and Cali; they are proud of their heritage.
Anyway, see ya in class and please, do not celebrate independence day!!!!
Pozole Eater.
(Im missing it, but not this year though!)
Gabriel... ya estoy escribiendo el libro. Va a empezar "Vine a la India en busca de mi padre, un tal Luis del Moral". Es en serio... jajaja.
Nash: You make me blush!! I think I simply have no limits when I write, and maybe it was to much to upload the back of the postcard... anyway, love is not something to hide, I guess.
I did not celebrate the "Independence" day. There's not so much to celebrate about... I spent the night listening music, and drinking wine with a couple of friends. See you and read you.
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